Rabbit Toys: Homemade Cardboard Tunnels
Most rabbits love tunnels; they are great to play and hide in. They are also easy and cheap to make with scrap cardboard. If you don’t have some boxes to hand try asking around local shops, they often get big boxes of deliveries and will be happy to let you have some.
Tunnels can be round, rectangular or triangular. I’ve gone for triangular here as they are less prone to collapsing than rectangular and easier to shape than round.
Just fold your piece of cardboard into shape and fasten with cable ties (or tape if your rabbit is not a chewer).
You can join tunnels together, cut a hole in the side of one to match the end of another, or join them to boxes to make dens.

Tags: rabbit-toys

We like this idea, we even use a couple of cereal boxes opened at each end and slotted inside each other (though this is only good for smallish rabbits) Frodo loves them, running through, chewing, flattening and general distruction…in his element 😉 x
We like this idea, we even use a couple of cereal boxes opened at each end and slotted inside each other (though this is only good for smallish rabbits) Frodo loves them, running through, chewing, flattening and general distruction…in his element 😉 x
I think this would be great for my pepper and nutmeg, but how would I store it when not in use? My mum gets rather annoyed if I leave big boxes lying around… 🙁
Hi Aneae, in that case, I would go for triangular tunnels and use bulldog clips or reusable cable ties to hold it together. Then when not in use it you could fold it flat and tuck it away in a cupboard or under your bed.
Not quite as cheap or DIY but another option would be fold/pop up tunnels (usually made for cats) these are fabric so you need to supervise t avoid chewing but they pop up to about a meter long and fold up to dinner plate size.