Random Rabbit Toys
The endless task of entertaining Scamp involves a lot of toys. It can be a bit expensive to keep buying new toys though, particularly when 90% seem to be either be ignored or eaten in 10 minutes flat. So today’s post is a tribute to the random household object. Here is a collection of Scamp’s random objects:

Left to right: Cotton reel, puzzel ball, blocks.
I think the cotton reel is self explanatory. The ball is a puzzle toy, unfortunately Scamp doesn’t seem any better than me at lining up the colours, but it’s made of hard plastic so bite-proof and easy to nudge around. The blocks are some version of giant lego. Again, hard plastic so fairly chew resistant and they have nice edges to pick up and throw (see outtakes below).
What random household objects does your bunny have to play with?
Scamp has a little bit of a hang up about toys on his rug, namely the only toy allowed on it is his treatball (which is generally not allowed off it). There is possibily some very logical scientific/food related reason for this related to the extra friction making the treat ball move at optimum volocity for treat removal, or he could just be a fuss pot. Anyway, he was not impressed by my attempts to line up his toys for a photo.

Tags: rabbit-toys, Scamp

what lovely photos, Scamp is adorable! I love random items as bunny toys. Our rabbit used to love playing with a plastic lion-king figurine
Although I have had at this point 5 rabbits, none have ever been that interested in toys. I tried different items, but none ever seemed to be of much interest. I’ve ordered the current rabbits treat balls, because food is involved these will, I should think, prove to be of great interest.
He does go through periods of totally ignoring them but then he’ll have a grumpy day and chuck them around.
I hope they enjoy the treat balls. Anything food related usually goes down well lol.
Yes, I am so looking forward to the balls, I think they have it too easy munching pellets out of bowls.