Scamp Napping in the Sunshine
After a week of wind and rain its suddenly toasty hot again. Here’s a picture and a couple of videos from the last lot of sunny weather I didn’t get around to posting. I know I give the impression Scamp is a little terror but that’s only 98% of the time. He does occasionally slow down and a sunny window was enough to tempt him into a nap. One hand for a pillow and one for cheek rubs is his favourite way to relax.
I almost caught him flopping over and there is a lot of wriggling involved in getting comfy.
This is out of focus and kind of repetitive but its a good example of our quality bonding time (rub my ears slave) on the occasions he does stay in one place for more than two seconds at a time.

nice to see that Scamp does slow down sometimes! That second video is so sweet…
Oh my gosh!! So sweet I can hardly stand it!
Oh, that is so sweet, napping with head in hand.
Oh goodness, that is too precious! What a lovely relationship you and Scamp have!