Rabbit Sticks
There is nothing like Scamp’s antics for making you feel better so I thought it was time for something fun. Scamp has been enjoying decimating the willow chew sticks he received with his press release about the RSPCA Survey:
I’ve posted before that his favourite way to chew sticks is whilst you hold them for him. I don’t mind holding his stick for him but I can’t do it all the time – how would I type? Sticks left on the floor seem to get ignored by rabbits – Scamp included. So I thought what I needed was a stand in stick holder.
He already has a vegetable holder. It’s just a a metal skewer with a hook at the top and a screw end that you undo, push skewer through the veg and do up again. It works great for chunky things broccoli stalks and carrot, but would it work for sticks, which, whilst great for chewing, are not as exciting as vegetables.

Small animal vegetable holder (about £2.50 - try in the bird section if you can't find it under rabbits).
First step, the sticks needed some holes. As I haven’t yet got Scamp to chew accurately on command I had to resort to a drill.
If you’re having a go, check the drill bit is slightly bigger than whatever you’re threading them on to it stops you having to drill twice (oops).
Then it’s time to try them out:
I chose to hang them in the corner as he’s had a bit of a go at the skirting there, and hanging something in the way of a favourite chewing spot is a great way to stop rabbits chewing something they shouldn’t. Hopefully he won’t go back to the skirting until he’s got rid of those annoying sticks dangling just in the way, so, as long as I keep replacing the sticks, the skirting should remain intact – that’s the theory anyway!
I might try a few more sticks hung in different locations to see if he has a preference. I only have one vegetable holder but I think string will probably work too.

Tags: rabbit-toys, Scamp

“Must get these things out of the way so I can finish up my job on the skirting!!” Often sticks on the floor get ignored here too, though sometimes they will suddenly find favor or flavor, not sure which. Though apple twigs get munched down immediately, tasty treats.
oh he seems to be enjoying that! Great idea to distract a bunny from the things they shouldn’t chew on
Indeed a great idea… rabbit just love to chew and I mean they chew everything even the furniture in the house which makes me very worried. So, most of the time they are in the rabbit hutch the whole day. I think the stick thing can be a good idea to make them feel better even if they are inside the hutch.
Chewing can be a real issue with indoor rabbits. I have to follow Scamp around whilst he’s exercising as you can’t trust him for a moment. Rather than shutting them up all day how about a playpen… that way you can contain them away from the walls and furniture and if you roll out a piece of lino underneath they can’t get to your carpet either. That way they can have more exercise and your house stays in one piece!
Mmmmmmm, sorry but I’m not entirely convinced about this toy
Is there another fun toy for my rabbit that uses sticks?
Do you do anything to treat the sticks first? I have a dogwood tree and some website said you have to be really careful about fungus and such on sticks from outside so now I’m afraid, lol.
Nope, no treatment needed. As long as there is nothing visually wrong with the sticks it’s fine to feed. All you need to be careful of is how you store them if you aren’t feeding straight away. Fresh sticks will have a lot of moisture in so you need to spread them out and leave them to dry out somewhere warmish and dry e.g. somewhere in your house or a shed. Once dry you can then store in a paper bag or cardboard box. If you bundle fresh sticks up in a carrier bag, for example, they do risk going mouldy/fungused – but again you’ll see/smell that if it happened.