Binky Chase Flop
Scamp’s evening exercise routine involves a lot of binky-chase (you run at me and jump, I race half way across the room throwing in a binky, you run at me… and so on around the sofa and under the table). Binky-chase always ends with Scamp doing a sudden stop instead of a run, so the chaser has to take avoiding action to avoid stepping on him. That’s your cue to administer nose rubs and, as soon as you signal your willingness to comply, he’ll flop over until he’s received enough ear rubs to recharge ready for the next round. This goes on for at least an hour – with occasional snack breaks – which is when he scoffs down his home baked treats.
It’s very hard to get photos of this process, particularly the chasing part as it’s usually evening when the light is bad and I’m chasing a rabbit which is never a good combination for non blurry photos which include the rabbit in the shot. I did manage to get these of the flop portion, although you’ll have to excuse the angle as he was flopped across my feet which again makes taking a picture a little tricky.
Doesn’t he look cute and sleepy? In two minutes time he’ll be recharged and back to racing around like a silly whatsit.

Tags: Scamp

Beyond precious…you two are magical <3
awwww, Scamp is adorable! My bunnies would never do anything like that, Patch whould be too busy running away from Blossom, lol. Allthough they would enjoy one of the many treats iv’ve made them, lol. xxx