Scamp 2007 – 2016
Earlier this year Scamp developed a small lump on his side over his ribs, it grew and I made the decision to have it removed, which went well. The biopsy can back showing it was Lymphoma and although unlikely to spread, there was a chance it could reoccur at the same site. It did, in just a few weeks it was back and growing rapidly, we tried again to have it removed but this time Scamp reacted to the anaesthetic and they brought him around without operating.
The lump continued to grow until it was interfering with the movement of his front leg and generally making him miserable. So on 13th September the vet visited him at home and helped him over rainbow bridge whilst he sat on his favourite box and I rubbed his ears.
Here are some of my favourite photos of his time with me…

Nine and a half years ago – eyes closed and small enough to fit in the palm of my hand

Still a baby here and curled up looking adorable

Shredding a telephone directory – one of his favourite activities

Adding backup escape routes to all his boxes (or in this case the vet carrier)

Napping in the sunshine resting on my hand… and getting nose rubs when I wasn’t pointing a camera

Jumping off high things

Finding him in places he really shouldn’t have been able to get to

Helping make toys for blog posts

Racing around the room binkying and then flopping over on my feet for cheek rubs
Scamp was an amazing little wild bunny, even if sometimes the amazing was his ability to chew, escape and generally cause trouble. He taught me a lot about bunnies and their fascinating behaviour (and a lot about bunny proofing) and it’s because of him my book Understanding your Rabbit’s Habits exists and is, hopefully, helping others understand these wonderful creatures a little better too. He’s also been the inspiration for the bunny toys and enrichment ideas, which I’ve posted on this blog and in Bunny Mad Magazine. Inspiration is a nice way of saying I spent a lot of time frantically coming up with ideas to occupy him so he wouldn’t get into quite so much mischief of his own design.

Scamp 2007 – 2016
Good bye little bun, I will miss you a lot.

Tags: Scamp

Scamp, you were probably my favorite being on the planet. The world is different without you. But you will always be in my heart. Always.
Huge hugs Tamsin, he truly was adorable. I still have Spudsey, doing very well at present but coming up to 10 in April. I don’t think either of us expected our wild buns to live so long did we!? xxxx
Hi…It’s been a long time since you posted this and lost Scamp. I stopped checking in on blogs for whatever reason and fell out of touch with all my favorite blog bunnies. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed Scamp from afar. What a clever dastardly bunny. Thank you for sharing him.
Your blog has been an inspiration to me, so it is a sad day to hear that Scamp is no more. His antics have been entertaining and have helped me understand my house bunny, which has led to loads of fun for both of us. Thank you for sharing the joy; may your heartache be diminished by knowing that you have given other people, but in particular one special and delightful bunny, a lot of joy.
I just visited your blog after not reading for a while I was so sorry to hear about Scamp’s journey over the bridge. You will always be an inspiration and Scamp will always have my heart. I learned much from reading your blog.
A year ago I lost Noelle to a similar condition. She was 10. I have Blackberry who is about 11 years, Coquito who is about 5 and Alicia who is 3 1/2. They keep me on my toes, making sure I do their hay boxes the right way and demand treats for being so cute.
Thank you again for sharign Scamp with us who love bunnies so very much.
So sad to hear about Scamp, but what a lovely life you gave him.
Have enjoyed reading the Blog about his escapades and my house rabbit Alfie has enjoyed many of Scamp’s toy ideas.
RIP little bun!
Only me… I was just googling for innovating rabbit runs and a Rabbit House article came up… I hadn’t read this post / seen these photos before and just wanted to tell you how I loved seeing them. Bittersweet – months on from both our losses and it still cuts – but lovely photos. Meanwhile Ralph is napping in the sunshine in the bedroom, as I try and figure out some outdoor living options for him for summer afternoons… xx
Scamp <3 For Always <3