Look what my parents bought for Scamp, a new tray Mark II. It’s slightly taller so the corner is hidden and it had metal reinforcing on part of the edge 😉
The new litter tray didn’t last long. I think he’s got into the habit of nibbling now. He gets a little fixated on things sometimes and once he’s made his mind up it can be quite hard to distract him.
I was a bit busy last week (one year I’ll do my tax return before the last minute). No exciting bunny news. Just an average week, three escapes (two involving fishing Scamp out from under a bed and one involving Gypsy and a torch), the new litter tray now has the same decorative holes as the old one (I’m thinking something in stainless steel next), a vaccination reminder from the vets (which means I must pick up a new carrier as the old one also has decorative holes) and the handle on the baby gate is disintegrating so I’m on the look out for a new one of those (must keep Scamp in but not make it too difficult for people to get through).
After ignoring the sticks, the vet kindly gave him & Gypsy as a Christmas gift, for a whole month, Scamp has decided he will chew it if, and only if, you hold if for him. If you don’t he’ll eat the skirting or his litter tray instead. Yumm, stick…
And a video of stick eating. It’s not particularly riveting, but just be thankful you weren’t the one holding it for the other 20 minutes or so not on camera!
I had this wild hare (that sounds so much better then ‘crazy idea’) that I’d try to get into the habit of drawing a bunny a week. That was the beginning of January. I’m not doing great so far! I thought I’d ease myself in with a pic I drew last year and came across when I was looking for something else.