More Cardboard Tube Toys (Part 2)
Thursday, December 9th, 2010
More homemade rabbit toys from card board tubes. This time treat balls, a great way to feed a tasty treat and good for bunnies that like to chew.
More homemade rabbit toys from card board tubes. This time treat balls, a great way to feed a tasty treat and good for bunnies that like to chew.
Toilet roll tubes are really versatile. Here is just one fun rabbit toy you can make for you rabbit using them.
Chew sticks often get ignored in favour of less suitable wood like furniture and skirting. Hanging up chew sticks where your rabbit likes to chew is a great way to distract them and save your woodwork.
The best bunny toys are free. Here are instructions to make a paper tunnel for your rabbit.
Scamp is rather chuffed, we got some new shelves and that means boxes! A 8′ long box to be exact – just perfect to make a tunnel. First thing you need to do with a tunnel … make a second exit. I’ve been a bit busy with work and enjoying the warm weather in the […]