Rabbit Run Plans (Part 2)
Sooty's Rabbit Run
1. Make two frames. Drill, glue and screw (DGS).
2. Make middle support. DGS.
3. Make door frame part 1. DGS.
4. Paint everything before you put on the mesh (all other bits to).
5. Join together the two large frames, corner posts and middle support. DGS.
6. Staple mesh to roof and down one end. Staple along both sides. Staple to door frame.
7. After the mesh is on, cover any raw edges by screwing your other door wood on top. I didn't do the hidge end, I can't rememebr why.
8. Hang door from hinges and attach hocks for locking.
9. Measure, cut, pain and fix on cladding (I had to join it to make it long enough).
I used a cardboard box as a shelter at first then made a wooden one.
Make sure there are no jagged bits inside the run.
Back to: Plans for Building a Rabbit Run (Part 1)