Toys & Enrichment

Scamp’s New Box

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

Rabbits, even those safe indoors, need a place to hide in case something scary happens. Scamp’s is an A4 paper box. My dad brings him new ones regularly from work, as he likes to customise them until there’s no walls left to hold the lid up. After much faffing about I managed to get a […]

Random Rabbit Toys

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

The endless task of entertaining Scamp involves a lot of toys. It can be a bit expensive to keep buying new toys though, particularly when 90% seem to be either be ignored or eaten in 10 minutes flat. So today’s post is a tribute to the random household object. Here is a collection of Scamp’s […]

Rabbit Toys: Food Ball

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Scamp takes a lot of entertaining and a rabbit food ball (sold by Rosewood Pets and various other companies) is one of his top toys. Unlike some other rabbit toys that get played with a bit and then ignored this has kept his attention. Though, that may have something to do with the food I […]

Rabbit Toys: Homemade Cardboard Tunnels

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

Most rabbits love tunnels; they are great to play and hide in. They are also easy and cheap to make with scrap cardboard. If you don’t have some boxes to hand try asking around local shops, they often get big boxes of deliveries and will be happy to let you have some. Tunnels can be […]

Yellow Pages: The House Rabbits’ Answer to Carpet Chewing

Monday, May 18th, 2009

Rabbits love to dig! In the wild they dig burrows to live in and shallow scraps to rest/sunbath in. Anything in their way, eg tree roots, gets gnawed through. That’s great outside but no so good when the ‘soil’ they are digging in is your carpet and the ‘tree roots’ are your skirting boards. You […]