Indoor Rabbit Housing
Rabbits can make great house pets - they can be litter trained just like a cat. Some house rabbits live totally free range but most have their own living accomodation for when their owner isn't there or when they need a quiet place to retreat to.
The amount of time your rabbit will spend confined to its cage will effect the size needed. Purpose designed rabbit cages are being increasingly available but these can be quite small. Another alternative are dog crates - or you can always build you own.

Homemade Cages

Commercial Rabbit Cages
Key Points
- Indoor rabbits need just as much exercise space as outdoor rabbits. Don't keep your rabbit confined to a cage all day - add a pen or rabbit-proof a room for exercise.
- Rabbits love to chew but not everything in your home is safe for your rabbit to get his teeth into. Protecting cables and removing hazards like poisonous plants is essential.
- Commercial cages, even those sold for rabbits, are often very small. Manufacturers take pictures with baby rabbits to make cages look bigger so read the measurements carefully!
- Rabbits need a covered area to feel safe and retreat to when frightened, so, whatever type of accommodation you choose, include a box or something similar for your bunny to hide in.